Langenbach, K.; Rabe, M.: Konzeption eines Vorgehensmodells zur Beantwortung von Fragestellungen aus der Produktion und Logistik. In: ASIM 2024 - 27. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Neubiberg, 4th- 6th September 2024, pp. 33-36. download Details.

Nguyen-Krogull, T.; Rabe, M.: Reference Model to support decision-making in the planning and evaluation of automated order picking systems of heavy flatpacks in retail and wholesale fulfilment units. In; ProjMAN International Conference on Project Management, 8th-10th November 2023, Porto. Procedia Computer Science 239 (2024), pp.1035-1043. download Details.

Rabe, M., Kilic, E.:. Framing the Digital Business Process Twin: From a Holistic Maturity Model to a Specific and Substantial Use Case in the Automotive Industry. In: De Weerdt, J.; Pufahl, L. (Hrsg.) Business Process Management Workshops BPM 2023. Cham: Springer 2024., pp. 353-364. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Körsgen, H.: Track and trace based on the digital enterprise architecture concept. In; IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), Edinburgh 19-22 June 2023,doi: 10.1109/ICE/ITMC58018.2023.10332433. download Details.

Kiefer, M.; Maaßen, J.; Klima, T.; Rabe, M.: Simulation-based Analysis of a Value Stream as a Contribution to Sustainable Production and Logistics Systems of SMEs. In: Bergmann, S.; Feldkamp, N.; Souren, Rainer (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2023. Ilmenau: Universitätsverlag Ilmenau 2023, pp.293-302. download Details.

Körsgen, H., Rabe, M.: Blockchain Subnets for Track & Trace within the Logistics System Landscape. In: Terzi, S.; Madani, K.; Gusikhin, O.; Panetto, H. (eds.): Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics. Cham: Springer Nature 2023, pp. 165-181. download Details.

Langenbach, K.; Rabe, M.: Approach for Verification and Validation Automation Based on Procedure Models for Simulation. In: Corlu, C.G.; Hunter, S.R.; Lam, H.; Onggo, S.; Shortle, J.; Biller, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2023. Piscataway,NJ: IEEE 2023, pp. 1665-1675. download Details.

Langenbach, K.; Scheidler, A. A.; Rabe, M.. Automatisierungspotenzial von Verifikations- und Validierungstechniken in der ereignisdiskreten Simulation. In: Bergmann, S.; Feldkamp, N.; Souren, Rainer (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2023. Ilmenau: Universitätsverlag Ilmenau 2023, pp.473-482. download Details.

Taylor, S.J.E.; Macal, C.M.; Matta, A.; Rabe, M.; Sanchez,S.M.; Shao, G.: Enhancing Digital Twins with Advances in Simulation and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges. In: Corlu, C.G.; Hunter, S.R..; Lam, H.; Onggo, B.S.; Shortle, J.; Biller, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE 2023, pp. 3296-3310. download Details.

Wuttke, A.; Hunker,J,; Rabe, M.; Diepenbrock, J.-P.: Estimating Parameters with Data Farming for Condition-based Maintenance in a Digital Twin. In: Corlu, C.G.; Hunter, S.R.; Lam, H.; Onggo, S.; Shortle, J.; Biller, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2023. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE 2023, pp. 1641-1652. download Details.

Arora, S.-J.; Cecolini; C.; Rabe, M.: Approach to Reference Models for Building Performance Simulation. In: Pires, L.F.; Hammoudi, S.; Seidewitz, E. (eds.): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD) 2022. Virtual Conference, 6th-8th February 2022, pp. 271-278. download Details.

Christiansen-Lenger, S.P.; Rabe, M.: Literaturbasierte Untersuchung der Data-driven-Prozessmerkmale im Anwendungsfeld der Produktion. In: Proceedings 26. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Wien, 25th-27th July 2022, pp. 9-14. Details.

Hochkamp, F.; Rabe. M.: Outlier Detection in Data Mining: Exclusion of Errors or Loss of Information? In Proceedings Hamburg International Conference of Logistics 2022, Hamburg, 20th-23rd September 2022, pp. 91-117. download Details.

Hunker, J.; Scheidler, A.-A.; Rabe, M.; van der Valk, H.: A New Data Farming Procedure Model for a Farming-for-Mining Method in Logistics Networks. In: Feng, B.; Pedrielli, G.; Peng Y.; Shashaani, S.; Song, E.; Corlu, C.G.; Lee, L.H.; Chew, E.P.; Roeder, T.; Lendermann, P. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE 2022, pp. 1461-1472. Details.

Langenbach, K.; Scheidler, A.-A.; Rabe, M.: Untersuchung der anwendungsspezifischen Verifikation- und Validierungstechniken unter Berücksichtigung einer veränderten Datenlage. In: Proceedings Kurzbeiträge ASIM Symposium Simulationstechnik, Wien, 25th-27th July 2022, p. 81-84. Details.

Rabe, M.; Kilic, E.: Concept of a Business-process-related Digital Twin Based on Systems Theory and Operational Excellence. In Proceedings 28th IEEE ICE/ITMC Conference, Nancy, 19th-23rd June 2022, pp. 233-241. Details.

Rabe, M.; Kilic, E.: Towards a Paradigm Shift in Vehicle Project Management: From a Traditional Multi-project-management to an Integrated Process-based Digital Approach. Procedia Computer Science 219 (2023) 362-369. download Details.

Stadler, F.; Rabe, M.; Modeling of Intralogistic Processes for the Implementation of Warehouse Management Systems. In: Pires, L.F.; Hammoudi, S.; Seidewitz, E. (eds.): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD) 2022. Virtual Conference, 6th-8th February 2022, pp. 271-278. Details.

van der Valk, H.; Winkelmann, S.; Ramge, F.; Hunker, J.; Langenbach, K.; Rabe, M.: Characteristics of Simulation. A Meta-Review of Modern Simulation Applications. In: Feng, B.; Pedrielli, G.; Peng Y.; Shashaani, S.; Song, E.; Corlu, C.G.; Lee, L.H.; Chew, E.P.; Roeder, T.; Lendermann, P. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ 2022, pp. 2558-2569. Details.

Wuttke, A.; Hunker, J.; Scheidler, A. A.; Rabe, M.: Synthetic Demand Generation with Seasonality for Data Mining on a Data-Farmed Data Basis of a Two-Echelon Supply Chain. Procedia Computer Science 204 (2022), pp. 226-234 download Details.

Arora,S.-J.; Ebbecke, C.;Rabe, M.; Fisch. J.: Methodology for the Assessment of Potentials, Selection, and Design of Predictive Maintenance Solutions. Procedia CIRP 104 (2021) 708-713. download Details.

Büttner, D.; Rabe, M.: Sales Forecasting in the Electrical Industry - An Illustrative Comparison of Time Series and Machine Learning Approaches. 7th International Conference on Innovation and Industrial Logistics, Macao, 9th-11th August 2021, pp. 69-78. Details.

Büttner, D.; Scheidler, A. A.; Rabe, M.: A Reference Model for Data-driven Sales Planning in Distribution Systems: Development of the Model's Framework and Functionality. Hamburg International Conference on Logistics, 21.24. September 2021, Hamburg, pp. 441-476. download Details.

Hunker, J.; Wuttke, A.; Scheidler, A. A.; Rabe, M.: A Farming-for-mining Framework to Gain Knowledge in Supply Chains. In: Kim, S.; Feng, B.; Smith, K.; Masoud, S.; Zheng, Z.; Szabo, C.; Loper, M.: (eds,): Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscataway: IEEE 2021, DOI 10.1109/WSC52266.2021.9715372. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Ammouriova, M.: Utilising Relations between Actions to Improve the Performance of Optimisation Procedures for Distribution Networks. In Franke, J.; Schuderer, P. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2021. Göttingen: Cuvillier 2021, pp. 227-236.. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Tordecilla, R. D.; do C. Martins, L.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.; Juan, A. A.: Supporting Hospital Logistics During the First Months of the COVID-19 Crisis: A Simheuristic for the Stochastic Team Orienteering Problem. In: Kim, S.; Feng, B.; Smith, K.; Masoud, S.; Zheng, Z.; Szabo, C.; Loper, M.: (eds,): Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscataway: IEEE 2021, DOI 10.1109/WSC52266.2021.9715337. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Wincheringer, W. Sohny, T.: Reference Model for the Value-stream-based Simulation of Discontinuous Conveyors in the Rough Planning Phase of Production Systems. In Franke, J.; Schuderer, P. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2021. Göttingen: Cuvillier 2021, pp. 123-132.. download Details.

Serrano-Hernandez, A.: Martinez-Abad, S.; Ballano, A.; Faulin, J.; Rabe, M.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.: A Case Study in Pamplona (Spain): In: Kim, S.; Feng, B.; Smith, K.; Masoud, S.; Zheng, Z.; Szabo, C.; Loper, M.: (eds,): Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscataway: IEEE 2021, DOI 10.1109/WSC52266.2021.9715335. download Details.

Stoldt, J.; Prell, B.; Rabe, M.; Wenzel, S.; Thiede, S.: A Criteria-based Database for Research and Applications of Energy-oriented Simulation in Production and Logistics. In: Franke, J.; Schuderer, P. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2021. Göttingen: Cuvillier 2021, pp. 94-102.. download Details.

Hunker, J.; Scheidler, A. A.; Rabe, M.: A Systematic Classification of Database Solutions for Data Mining to Support Tasks in Supply Chains. In: Kersten, W.; Blecker, T.; Ringle, C. M.: (eds.): Data Science and Innovation in Supply Chain Management: How Data Transforms the Value Chain. Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) Hamburg, 24.-25. September 2020. Berlin: epubli GmbH, pp. 395-425. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Ammouriova, M.; Constructing Action Plans Based on Correlation Between Sequential Actions and Their Performance in a Logistics Distribution Network. In: 13th International Conference of Research in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (RIRL), 7.-9. Oktober 2020 download RIRL_2020_proceedings_rabe_ammouriova.pdf

Rabe, M.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.: Concept for a Simulation-Optimization Procedure Model for Automated Parcel Lockers as an Urban Logistics Solution: A Case Study in the City of Dortmund. In: 13th International Conference of Research in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (RIRL), 7.-9. Oktober 2020 download RIRL_2020_proceedings_rabe_chicaiza.pdf

Rabe, M.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.; Tordecilla, R. D.; Juan, A. A.: A Simulation-Optimization Approach for Locating Automated Parcel Lockers in Urban Logistics Operations. In: Bae, K.-H.; Feng, B.; Kim, S.; Lazarova-Molnar, S.; Zheng, Z.; Roeder, T.; Thiesing, R. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2020, pp. 1230-1241. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Sohny, T.: Reference Model Based on Value Stream Simulation for the Evaluation of Production Systems with Complex Material Flows in the Bidding Phase. In: 13th International Conference of Research in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (RIRL), 7.-9. Oktober 2020 download RIRL_2020_proceedings_rabe_wincheringer.pdf

Rabe, M.; Wincheringer, W.; Sohny, T.: Referenzmodell basierend auf Wertstromsimulation zur Bewertung von Produktionssystemen in der Angebotsphase. Proceedings 25. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Online Conference, 14-15 October 2020, pp. 373-380. download Details.

van der Valk, H.; Hunker, J.; Rabe, M.; Otto, B.: Digital Twins in Simulative Applications: A Taxonomy. In: Bae, K.-H.; Feng, B.; Kim, S.; Lazarova-Molnar, S.; Zheng, Z.; Roeder, T.; Thiesing, R. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2020, pp. 2695-2706. download Details.

Poeting, M.; Prell, B.; Rabe, M:, Uhlig, t:, Wenzel, S.: Considering Energy in the Simulation of Logistics Systems. In: Mustafee, N.; Bae, K.-H.: Lazarova-Molnar, S.; Rabe, M.; Szabo, C.; Haas, P.; Son, Y.-S., (eds.): Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2019, pp. 1849-1858. download Details.

Rabe, M. Ammouriova, M.; Schmitt, D.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.: An Approach for Reducing the Search Space for Simheuristics Applications in Logistics Networks in Trading. In: Putz, M.; Schlegel, A. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2019. Auerbach: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Skripten 2019, pp. 335-344. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Klüter, A.; Juan, A. A.; Bayliss, C.; Panadero, J.: Using Simheuristics for Supporting Risk-aware Decision Making in Transport and Logistics under Uncertainty Scenarios. In: Putz, M.; Schlegel, A. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2019. Auerbach: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Skripten 2019, pp. 499-508. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Schmitt, D.: Domain-specific Language for Modeling and Simulating Actions in Logistics Networks. In: Mustafee, N.; Bae, K.-H.: Lazarova-Molnar, S.; Rabe, M.; Szabo, C.; Haas, P.; Son, Y.-S., (eds.): Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2019, pp. 1579-1590. download Details.

Gutenschwager, K.; Rabe, M.; Theile, M.; Wilhelm, B.: Comparison of Approaches to Encrypt Data for Supply Chain Simulation Applications in Cloud Environments. In: Rabe, M,; Juan, A.A.; Mustafee, N.; Skoogh, A.; Jain, S.; Johansson, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2018, pp. 3084-3095. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Ammouriova, M., Schmitt, D.: Utilizing Domain-specific Information for the Optimization of Logistics Networks. In: Rabe, M,; Juan, A.A.; Mustafee, N.; Skoogh, A.; Jain, S.; Johansson, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2018, pp. 2873-2884. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Klüter, A.; Wuttke, A.: Evaluating the Consolidation of Distribution Flows Using a Discrete Event Supply Chain Simulation Tool: Application to a Case Study in Greece. . In: Rabe, M,; Juan, A.A.; Mustafee, N.; Skoogh, A.; Jain, S.; Johansson, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2018, pp. 2815-2826. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Schmitt, D.; Ammouriova, M.: Improving the Performance of a Logistics Assistance System for Materials Trading Networks by Grouping Similar Actions. In: Rabe, M,; Juan, A.A.; Mustafee, N.; Skoogh, A.; Jain, S.; Johansson, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2018, pp. 2861-2872. download Details.

Taylor, S.J.E.; Eldabi, T.; Monks, T.; Rabe, M.; Uhrmacher, A.M.: Crisis, What Crisis - Does Reproducibility in Modeling & Simulation Really Matter? In: Rabe, M,; Juan, A.A.; Mustafee, N.; Skoogh, A.; Jain, S.; Johansson, B. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2018, pp. 749-762. download Details.

Gruler, A.; Juan, A.A.; Klüter, A.; Rabe, M.: A Simulation-Optimization Approach for the Two-Echelon Location Routing Problem Arising in the Creation of Urban Consolidation Centres. In: Wenzel, S.; Peter, T. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2017. Kassel: kassel university press 2017, pp. 129-138. download

Gruler, A.; Panadero, J.; de Armas, J.; Moreno Pérez, J.A.; Rabe, M.: A Simulation-Optimization Approach for the Single-Period Inventory Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands: A Statistical-based Approach. In: Duarte, A.; Juan, A.A.; Mélian, B.; Ramalhinho, H. (eds.): Metaheuristics: Proceeding of the MIC and MAEB 2017 Conferences, Barcelona, July 4th-7th, 2017, pp. 762-764.

Rabe, M.; Deininger, M.; Juan, A.A.: Setting the Number of Simulation Runs in a Simheuristic Algorithm: A statistical-based approach. In: Duarte, A.; Juan, A.A.; Mélian, B.; Ramalhinho, H. (eds.): Metaheuristics: Proceeding of the MIC and MAEB 2017 Conferences, Barcelona, July 4th-7th, 2017, pp. 402-410.

Rabe, M.; Dross, F.; Schmitt, D.; Ammouriova, M.; Ipsen, C.: Decision Support for Logistics Networks in Materials Trading Using a Simheuristic Framework and User-generated Action Types. In: Wenzel, S.; Peter, T. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2017. Kassel: kassel university press 2017, pp. 109-118. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Dross, F.; Wuttke, A: Combining a Discrete-event Simulation Model of a Logistics Network with Deep Reinforcement Learning. In: Duarte, A.; Juan, A.A.; Mélian, B.; Ramalhinho, H. (eds.): Metaheuristics: Proceeding of the MIC and MAEB 2017 Conferences, Barcelona, July 4th-7th, 2017, pp. 765-774. download Rabe_Dross_Proceedings_MIC-MAEB_2017.pdf Details.

Rabe, M.; Klueter, A.; Tietze, S.: Comparing Different Distance Metrics for Calculating Distances in Urban Areas with a Supply Chain Simulation Tool. In: Wenzel, S.; Peter, T. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2017. Kassel: kassel university press 2017, pp. 119-128. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Schmitt, D., Dross, F.: Method to Model Actions for Discrete-event Simulations of Logistics Networks. In: Chan, W.K.V.; D'Ambrogio, A.; Zacharewicz,G.; Mustafee,N.; Wainer, G.; Page, E (eds.): Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2017, pp. 3370-3381. download Details.

Wenzel, S.; Peter, T.; Stoldt, J.; Schlegel, A.; Groß, G.; Pitsch, H.; Rabe, M.; Seewaldt, M.: Betrachtungen energetischer Einflussfaktoren in der Simulation in Produktion und Logistik: Eine Literaturanalyse. In: Wenzel, S.; Peter, T. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2017. Kassel: kassel university press 2017, pp. 9-18. download Details.

Cheng, R.; Macal, C.; Nelson, B.; Rabe, M.; Currie, C.; Fowler, J.; Lee, L. H.: Simulation: The Past 10 Years and the Next 10 Years. In: Roeder, T. M. K.; Frazier, P. I.; Szechtman, R.; Zhou, E.; Huschka, T.; Chick, S. E. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington (VA). IEEE 2016, pp. 2180-2192. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Klueter, A.; Clausen, U.; Pöting, M.: An Approach for Modeling Collaborative Route Planning in Supply Chain Simulation. In: Roeder, T. M. K.; Frazier, P. I.; Szechtman, R.; Zhou, E. ; Huschka, T.; Chick, S. E. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscatway: IEEE 2016, pp. 2228-2238. download Details.

Uhrmacher, A.; Brailsford, S.; Liu, J.; Rabe, M.; Tolk, A.: Panel - Reproducible Research in Discrete Event Simulation - A Must or Rather a Maybe? In: Roeder, T. M. K.; Frazier, P. I.; Szechtman, R.; Zhou, E.; Huschka, T.; Chick, S. E. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscataway: IEEE 2016, pp. 1301-1315. download Details.

Pfeilsticker, L.; Juan, A. A.; Rabe, M.: Development of a Simheuristic Approach for Solving Realistic Inventory Routing Problems. In: Rabe, M.; Clausen, U. (eds.): Simulation in Production and Logistics 2015. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag 2015, pp. 60-68. download

Rabe, M.; Deininger, M.: Discrete Event Simulation of Modular Production System Models using Petri Nets. In: Rabe, M.; Clausen, U. (eds.): Simulation in Production and Logistics 2015. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag 2015, pp. 388-396. download

Rabe, M.; Deininger, M.; Scheidler, A. A.: Verification of Petri-Net-based Simulation Models Using Coverage Metrics. SIGSIM-PADS'15, London, June 10th-12th, 2015, pp. 247-255. Details.

Rabe, M.; Dross, F.: A Reinforcement Learning Approach for a Decision Support System for Logistics Networks. In: Yilmaz, L.; Chan, W. K. V.; Moon, I.; Roeder, T. M. K.; Macal, C.; Rossetti, M. D. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscataway: IEEE 2015, pp. 2020-2032. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Dross, F.; Vennemann, A.: A Procedure Model for the Credible Measurability of Data Warehouse Metrics on Discrete-event Simulation Models of Logistics Systems. In: Rabe, M.; Clausen, U. (eds.): Simulation in Production and Logistics 2015. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag 2015, pp. 168-176. download

Rabe, M.; Scheidler, A.A.: Farming for Mining - Entscheidungsunterstützung mittels Simulation im Supply Chain Management. In: Rabe, M.; Clausen, U. (eds.): Simulation in Production and Logistics 2015. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag 2015, pp. 671-679. download

Dross, F.; Rabe, M.: A SimHeuristic Framework as a Decision Support System for Large Logistics Networks with Complex KPIs. 22th Symposium Simulationstechnik, September 3rd-5th, 2014, Berlin, pp. 247-254.

Rabe, M.; Scheidler, A.A.: An Approach for Increasing the Level of Accuracy in Supply Chain Simulation by Using Patterns on Input Data. In: Tolk, A.; Diallo, S.Y.; Ryzhov, I.O.; Yilmaz, L.; Buckley, S.; Miller, J.A. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscataway: IEEE 2014, pp. 1897-1906. download Details.

Juan, A. A.; Rabe, M.: Combining Simulation with Heuristics to Solve Stochastic Routing and Scheduling Problems. In: Dangelmaier, W.; Laroque, C.; Klaas, A. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik - Entscheidungsunterstützung von der Planung bis zur Steuerung. Paderborn: HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe 2013, pp. 641-649.

Rabe, M.; Deininger, M.: Fabrikmodelle für Job-Shop-Scheduling-Algorithmen in Changing-Steady-State-Systemen. In: Dangelmaier, W.; Laroque, C.; Klaas, A. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik - Entscheidungsunterstützung von der Planung bis zur Steuerung. Paderborn: HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe 2013, pp. 579-589.

Rabe, M.; Gutenschwager, K.; Fechteler, T.; Sari, U.: A Data Model for Carbon Footprint Simulation in Consumer Goods Supply Chains. In: Pasupathy, R.; Kim, S.-H.; Tolk, A.; Hill, R.; Kuhl, M.E. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscatay: IEEE 2013, pp. 2677-2688. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Gocev, P.: Applying Semantic Web Technologies for Efficient Preparation of Simulation Studies in Manufacturing. In: Laroque, C; Himmelspach, J; Pasupathy, R.; Rose, O. and Uhrmacher, A.M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscataway: IEEE 2012, pp. 2936-2047. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Spieckermann, S.; Horvath, A.; Fechteler, T.: An Approach for Increasing Flexibility in Green Supply Chains Driven by Simulation. In: Laroque, C; Himmelspach, J; Pasupathy, R.; Rose, O. and Uhrmacher, A.M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscataway: IEEE 2012, pp. 3144-3155. download Details.

Bajric, A.; Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Jäkel, F.-W.: A Success Story: Manufacturing Execution System Implementation. In: Popplewell, K.; Harding, J.; Poler, R.; Chalmeta, R.: Enterprise Interoperability IV. London: Springer 2010, pp. 357-366.

Mertins, K,; Rabe, M.; Schallock, B.: Innovative Production Control bBsed on Decentralized Intelligence. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS), 11.-13. Oktober 2010, Cernobbio (Italy). CD-Publikation w/o page numbers.

Rabe, M.; Jaekel, F.-W.; Weinaug, H.: Simulation of Sustainability Aspects within the Industrial Environment and their Implication on the Simulation Technique. In: Dassisti, M. (eds.) Environmental protection in the new era - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainable & Environmental Protection, Volume 2, SEEP conference, June 6th-July 2nd, 2010, Bari (Italy), pp. 255-262.

Rabe, M.; Jochem, R.; Weinaug, H.: Multi-perspective Modelling of Sustainability Aspects within the Industrial Environment and their Implication on the Simulation Technique. In: Seliger, G.; Marwan, K. K.; Jawahir, I.S. (eds.): Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing. Berlin: Springer, 2011, pp. 313-318.

Rabe, M.; Jäkel, F.-W.; Weinaug, H.: Simulation von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten im industriellen Umfeld und deren Auswirkungen auf die Simulationstechnik. In: Gnauck, A.; Luther, B. (eds.): ASIM 2009 Simulationstechnik, 20. Symposium in Cottbus, September 23nd-25th, 2009, S. 36-43.

Rabe, M.; Spieckermann, S.; Wenzel, S.: Verification and Validation Activities within a New Procedure Model for V&V in Production and Logistics Simulation. 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Austin (USA), 13.-16. December 2009, pp. 2509-2519. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Gocev, P.: Semantic Web Framework for Modelling and Simulation of Manufacturing Systems. In: Rabe, M. (ed.): Advances in Simulation for Production and Logistics Applications. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2008, pp. 451-458. download

Rabe, M.; Gocev, P.: Semantic Web Framework for Rule-based Generation of Knowledge and Simulation of Manufacturing Systems. In: Mertins, K.; Ruggaber, R.; Popplewell, K.; Xu, Xiaofei (eds.): Enterprise Interoperability III: New Challenges and Industrial Approaches. London: Springer 2008, pp. 397-409.

Rabe, M.; Spieckermann, S.; Wenzel, S.: A New Procedure Model for Verification and Validation in Production and Logistics Simulation. 2008 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Miami (USA), 07.-10. December 2008, pp. 1717-1726. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Spieckermann, S.; Wenzel, S.: Vorgehensmodell zur Verifikation und Validierung für die Simulation in Produktion und Logistik. In: Hauser, H.; Strassburger, S.; Theisel, H. (eds.): Simulation und Visualisierung 2008, Magdeburg February 28th/29th, 2008. Erlangen: SCS 2008, S. 1-14.

Weinaug, H.; Rabe, M.: Models and Methods for Web-support of a Multi-disciplinary B2(B2B) Network. In: Mertins, K.; Ruggaber, R.; Popplewell, K.; Xu, Xiaofei (eds.): Enterprise Interoperability III: New Challenges and Industrial Approaches. London: Springer 2008, pp. 113-123.

Rabe, M.; Weinaug, H.: Distributed Analysis of Financial and Logistic Services for Manufacturing Supply Chains. In: Pawar, K.S.; Thoben, K.-D.; Pallot, M. (eds.): Concurrent innovation: An emerging paradigm for collaboration & competitiveness in the extended enterprise. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE’07), June 4th-6th, 2007, Sophia Antipolis (France), pp. 245-252.

Rabe, M.; Weinaug, H.: Interoperability and Simulation. In: Schulze, Th.; Preim, B.; Schumann, H. (eds.): Simulation und Visualisierung 2007, Magdeburg March 8th-9th, 2007. San Diego, Erlangen: SCS 2007, pp. 127-140.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Gocev, P.: Integration of Factory Planning and ERP/MES Systems: Adaptive Simulation Models. Advanced Production Management Systems Conference (APMS) 2006, Wroclaw (Poland), Septemner 18th-20th, 2006, pp. 129-133.

Rabe, M.: Vom Bedarf zur Lösung: Modelle als Kommunikations- und Validierungshilfsmittel für die Simulation in Produktion und Logistik. In: Wenzel, S. (ed.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2006; Proceedings 12. Fachtagung in Kassel, September 26th/27th, 2006. Erlangen: SCS Publishing House 2006, pp. 331-340.

Rabe, M.; Gocev, P.: Simulation Models for Factory Planning through Connection of ERP and MES systems. In: Wenzel, S. (ed.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2006; Proceedings 12th Dediacted ASIM Conference Simulation in Productions and Logistics in Kassel, September 26th/27th, 2006. Erlangen: SCS Publishing House 2006, pp. 223-232.

Rabe, M.; Gocev, P.; Weinaug, H.: ASP Supported Execution of Multi-tier Manufacturing Supply Chains. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Suppy Chain ILS’06, Lyon (France), 14.-17. Mai 2006 (CD-ROM Publication w/o page numbers).

Rabe, M.; Jaekel, F.-W.; Weinaug, H.: Reference Models for Supply Chain Design and Configuration. 2006 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Monterey (USA), 04.-06. December 2006, pp. 1143-1150.

Rabe, M.; Jäkel, F.-W.; Weinaug, H.: Supply Chain Demonstrator Based on Federated Models and HLA Application. In: Schulze, T. et al. (eds.): Simulation und Visualisierung 2006, Magdeburg, March 2nd/3rd, 2006. Erlangen: SCS 2006, pp. 329-338.

Rabe, M.; Knothe, T.: Besonderheiten der Simulation von Geschäftsprozessen im Umfeld von Produktion und Logistik. In: Wenzel, S. (ed.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2006; Tagungsband zur 12. Fachtagung in Kassel, September 26th/27th, 2006. Erlangen: SCS Publishing House 2006, pp. 203-211.

Rabe, M.; Weinaug, H.: Methods for Analysis and Comparison of Supply Chain Processes in European SMEs. 11th Conference on Concurrent Engineering (ICE), Munich, June 20th-22nd, 2005, pp. 69 76.

McLoughlin, M.; Heavey, C.; Rabe, M.: Research into Developing a Training Tool Federate in the Manufacturing Systems Domain. In: Mertins, K.; Rabe, M. (eds.): Experiences from the Future. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag, 2004, pp. 341-350.

Rabe, M.; Jäkel, F.-W.: Distributed Simulation and Supply Chains. Proceedings International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing COMA’04, Stellenbosch (South Africa) February 4th-6th, 2004, pp. 437-442.

Rabe, M.; Junge, M.; Schmuck, T.; Wenzel, W.: Verifikation und Validierung: Motivation, Aufgaben und Herausforderungen. In: Mertins, K.; Rabe, M. (ed.): Experiences from the Future. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag, 2004, pp. 251-261.

Rabe, M.; Mertins, K.; Taylor, S.J.E.: Status and Perspectives of Distributed Simulation in Production and Logistics. In: IMS International Forum, Cernobbio (Italy) 2004, Vol. 2, pp. 1163-1171.

Spieckermann, S.; Lehmann, A.; Rabe, M.: Verifikation und Validierung: Überlegungen zu einer integrierten Vorgehensweise. In: Mertins, K.; Rabe, M. (ed.): Experiences from the Future. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag, 2004, pp. 263-274.

Rabe, M.; Jäkel, F.-W.: On Standardization Requirements for Distributed Simulation in Production and Logistics. In: Cunningham et al. (eds.): Building the Knowledge Economy. Amsterdam et al.: IOS Press, 2003, pp. 399-406.

Dassisti, M.; Galantucci, L.-M.; Jaekel, F.-W.; Rabe, M.; Trotta, A.: Integration Feasibility of Discrete-Event Simulation and Virtual Environments for PPC. In: 3rd CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME), Ischia (Italien) 2002, pp. 511-516.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.: Inter-Enterprise Planning of Manufacturing Systems Applying Simulation with IPR Protection. In: 5th International Conference on Design of Information Systems for Manufacturing (DIISM), Osaka (Japan) 2002, pp. 149-156.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Jäkel, F.-W.: Distributed Modeling and Simulation of Supply Chains. 18th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Porto 2002, pp. 401-408.

Rabe, M.; Jäkel, F.-W.: Adaption der High Level Architecture (HLA) für die effektive Anwendung in Produktion und Logistik. In: Schulze, Th.; Schlechtweg, S.; Hinz, V. (eds.): Proceedings Simulation und Visualisierung, Magdeburg 2002, pp. 21-31.

Rabe, M.; Jäkel, F.-W.: Decomposition of Large Simulation Systems for Supply Chains and Manufacturing Systems. In: 9th European Concurrent Engineering Conference (ECEC), Modena 2002, pp. 96-102.

Rabe, M.; Jäkel, F.-W.: Simulation von verteilten Unternehmen und Supply Chains. In: Noche, B.; Witt, G. (eds.): Anwendungen der Simulationstechnik in Produktion und Logistik. 10. ASIM-Fachtagung, Duisburg 2002, pp. 288-299.

Galantucci, L.-M.; Dassisti, M.; Trotta, A.; Rabe, M.; Jaekel, F.-W.: A Survey on Distributed Virtual Environments for Manufacturing Enterprises. A.I.TE.M. conference, Bari (Italy) 2001, pp. 173-188.

Rabe, M.; Garcia de Gurtubai, G.; Jaekel, F.-W.: Modelling and Simulation for Globally Distributed Enterprises. In: Proceedings of the EUROSIM 2001 conference, Delft 2001 (CD ROM Publication w/o page numbers).

Rabe, M.; Jäkel, F.-W.: Non Military Use of HLA within Distributed Manufacturing Scenarios. Simulation und Visualisierung 2001, Magdeburg 2001, pp. 141-150.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Jäkel, F.-W.: Neutral Template Libraries for Efficient Distributed Simulation within a Manufacturing System Engineering Platform. 2000 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando (USA), December 2000, pp. 1549-1557. download Details.

Rabe, M.: Future of Simulation in Production and Logistics: Facts and Visions. In: Mertins, K.; Rabe, M. (eds.): The New Simulation in Production and Logistics. 9th Dediacted ASIM Conference Simulation in Production und Logistics. Berlin: Fraunhofer IPK, 2000, pp. 21-43.

Rabe, M.; Friedland, R.: Neutral Template Libraries for Use in Globally Distributed Enterprises. In: Mertins, K.; Rabe, M. (eds.): The New Simulation in Production and Logistics. 9th Dedicated ASIM Conference Simulation in Production und Logistics. Berlin: Fraunhofer IPK 2000, pp. 385-394.

Rabe, M.; Jäkel, F.-W.: Simulation for Globally Distributed Enterprises. 12th European Simulation Symposium 2000 (ESS), Hamburg, September 2000, pp. 322-327.

Mertins, K.; Friedland, R.; Rabe, M.: Minimisation of Lead Time by Virtual Manufacturing Cells and Lotsize Harmonisation. The 15th International Conference on Production Research, Limerick (Ireland) 1999, pp. 1257-1260.

Rabe, M.: Beginnt ein neues Zeitalter der Simulation? Hauptvortrag Simulation und Visualisierung '99, Magdeburg 1999, pp. 3-18.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Rieger, P.: Einsatz von Simulations-Referenzmodellen für eine effiziente Erstellung von Simulationsverbunden auf der Basis von HLA. 12. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Zürich 1998, pp. 299-305.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Rieger, P.: Taking Advantage of Process Oriented Reference Models for Setting up Federations for Distributed Simulation in HLA Environments. In: Zobel, R.; Moeller, D. (eds.): Simulation: Past, Present and Future. 12th European Simulation Multiconference ESM'98, Manchester, 1998, pp. 259 263.

Rabe, M.: Simulation und offene Systeme. In: Mertins, K.; Rabe, M. (Hrsg.): Erfahrungen aus der Zukunft. 8. ASIM-Fachtagung Simulation in Produktion und Logistik, Berlin, February 16th/17th, 1998, pp. 345-357.

Rabe, M.; Wenzel, S.; Ohle, F.: Reference Models for Simulation. In: Bargiela, A.; Kerckhoffs, E. (eds.): Simulation Technology: Science and Art, Proceedings of the European Simulation Symposium ESS'98, Nottingham, 1998, pp. 503-507.

Wredenhagen, H.; Rabe, M.: Qualität und Belastung im Einklang Erfahrungsbericht einer Simulationsstudie zur Ermittlung einer optimalen Mehrmaschinenbedienung. In: Mertins, K.; Rabe, M. (eds.): Erfahrungen aus der Zukunft. 8. ASIM-Fachtagung Simulation in Produktion und Logistik, Berlin, February 16th-17th, 1998, pp. 103-112.

Cavalieri, S.; Rabe, M.; Taisch, M.: A Neural Network Approach to the Plant Design Problem. 1st International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation (EDA '97), Bangkok 1997, published on CD ROM.

Corradi, E.; Bartolotta, A.; Garetti, M.; Rabe, M.; Raimondo, A.: Manufacturing Systems Engineering for the Extended Enterprise. In: Organizing the Extended Enterprise. IFIP WG 5.7 Working Conference, Ascona (Switzerland) 1997, Volume 1, pp. 137-147.

Garetti, M.; Bartolotta, A.; Corradi, E.; Rabe, M.; Raimondo, A.: Design Issues of an Integrated Software Workbench Supporting the Manufacturing Systems Design Process. In: Plonka, F.; Olling, G. (eds.): Computer Applications in Production and Engineering. IFIP TC5 International Conference in Production and Engineering (CAPE'97), Detroit (USA) 1997, pp. 320-329.

Hellingrath, B.; Große, M; Rabe, M.: Förderung des Einsatzes der Simulationstechnik in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. 11th Symposium Simulationstechnik, Dortmund 1997, pp. 422-426.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Müller, W.: Designing a Computer-aided Manufacturing Systems Engineering Process. 13th International Conference on Computer-Aided Production Engineering, Warsaw Juni 1997, pp. 157-163.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Müller, W.: Reference Models for Process Oriented Manufacturing System Modelling. 32nd International MATADOR Conference, Manchester Juli 1997, pp. 157-162.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Müller, W.; Ohle, F.: Reference Model Manufacturing Systems A New Approach for more Efficient Simulation Studies. 14th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR), Osaka (Japan), August 4-8, 1997, Vol. 1, pp. 254-257.

Rabe, M.; Garetti, M.; Gronchi, D.; Müller, W.: An Integrated Approach to Manufacturing System Engineering. In: Fichtner, D.; Mackay, R. (eds.): Facilitating Deployment of Information and Communications Technologies for Competitive Manufacturing. European Conference on Integration in Manufacturing - IiM, Dresden 1997, pp. 561-570.

Rabe, M.; Müller, W.; Ohle, F.: Modellierung mit dem Referenzmodell Fertigungssysteme - ein Erfahrungsbericht. 11. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Dortmund 1997, pp. 422-426.

Fischer, D.; Rabe, M.: Montage von Präzisionsmechaniken - Gruppentechnologische Planung und Simulation. ASIM Conference Simulation - Anwendernutzen und Zukunftsaspekte, Dortmund 1996.

Mertins, K.; Albrecht, R.; Rabe, M.; Rieger, P.: Test and Evaluation of Factory Control Concepts by Integrated Simulation. 29th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation ISATA, Florence (Italy) 1996. Proceedings of the Dedicated Conference on Simulation, Diagnosis and Virtual Reality in the Automotive Industry, pp. 221-227.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Friedland, R.: Referenzmodell Fertigungssysteme - Effiziente Simulation bei größerem Nutzen. 10. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Dresden 1996, pp. 95-100.

Rabe, M.; Rieger, P.: Test und Bewertung eines Konzeptes zur Fertigungssteuerung mit Hilfe der Simulation. ASIM-Tagung Simulation - Anwendernutzen und Zukunftsaspekte, Dortmund 1996.

Mertins, K.; Edeler, H.; Rabe, M.; Sauer, O.: Plant Reengineering through Core Process Design. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Marrakech (Marokko) 1995, pp. 551-560.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Könner, S.: Integration of Factory Simulation and CAD-Layout Planning. European Simulation Symposium ESS'95, Erlangen 1995, pp. 77-81.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Könner, S.: Integration von Fabriksimulation und CAD. Fachtagung Integration von Bild, Modell und Text, Magdeburg 1995, pp. 163-174.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Könner, S.: Reference Models for Simulation in the Planning of Factories. IMACS Symposium on Systems Analysis and Simulation, Berlin 1995, pp. 655-658.

Mertins, K.; Edeler, H.; Rabe, M.; Sauer, O.: Designing the Company Specific Core Process. International Conference on Concurrent Engineering and Electronic Design Automation (CEEDA '94), Poole (UK), pp. 161-166.

Mertins, K.; Jochem, R.; Rabe, M.: Factory Planning Using Integrated Information and Material Flow Simulation. European Simulation Symposium, Istanbul 1994, pp. 92-96.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Könner, S.: Systematic Planning of Simulation Experiments for Production Systems. CISS - First Joint Conference of International Simulation Societies, Zürich 1994, pp. 520-524.

Rabe, M.: Simulation of Order Processing. Proceedings for the Dedicated Conference on Lean/Agile Manufacturing in the Automotive Industries (27th ISATA - International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation) Aachen 1994, pp. 479-486.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Wang, Y.: Aufwandreduzierung bei der Simulation von Produktionssystemen. In: Fortschritte in der Simulationstechnik (8. Symposium Simulationstechnik in Berlin). Wiesbaden, Braunschweig: Vieweg 1993, pp. 293-298.

Wagner, F.; Barfels, L.; Rabe, M.; Schulte, J.; Schweizer, W.: Simulation, Ergebnisinterpretation und Optimierung. In: Fortschritte in der Simulationstechnik (8. Symposium Simulationstechnik in Berlin), Wiesbaden, Braunschweig: Vieweg 1993, pp. 611-614.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.; Jochem, R.: Planning of Enterprise-related CIM Structures. In: Proceedings of the 1992 European Simulation Symposium, Dresden 1992, pp. 327-331.

Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.: Flexible Abbildung von Produktionseinrichtungen und Steuerung mit dem Planungssystem MOSYS. In: Fortschritte in der Simulationstechnik Band 4 (7. Symposium Simulationstechnik in Hagen). Wiesbaden, Braunschweig: Vieweg 1991, pp. 386-390.

Süssenguth, W.; Schwermer, M.; Rabe, M.: Modellierung und Simulation zur Planung von Materialfluß und Materialflußsteuerung. In: Tagungsband zur Fachtagung Fabrikplanung unter logistischen Aspekten, Berlin 1991.

Jochem, R.; Rabe, M.; Süssenguth, W.; Bals, P.: An Object-oriented Analysis and Design Methodology for Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems. In: Proceedings of the TOOLS, Paris 1989, pp. 75-84.

Wieneke-Toutaoui, B.; Spur, G.; Mertins, K.; Rabe, M.: MOSYS - A Planning System for Manufacturing and Assembly Planning. In: Simulation in Manufacturing (SIM5), Bedford: IFS Conferences 1989, pp. 73-83.

Rabe, M.: Materialfluß- und Layoutplanung für die flexible Fertigung. In: Tagungsbericht LOG'88. München: Gfmt 1988, pp. 603-617.

Seliger, G.; Wieneke-Toutaoui, B.; Rabe, M.: Integrated Modelling of Manufacturing Systems for Planning Purposes. In: Intelligent and Integrated Manufacturing Analyses and Synthesis. Boston: ASME 1987, pp. 405-416.

Seliger, G.; Wieneke-Toutaoui, B.; Rabe, M.: Simulationsunterstützung bei der Planung und im Betrieb von Flexiblen Fertigungssystemen. In: Proceedings 4. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Zürich. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer 1987, pp. 512-519.